Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Do You Ever Wonder?

Sometimes I wish I could be on a "It's a Wonderful Life" type reality show.  Wouldn't that be cool?  You could see how things would be different if you were never born.  I wonder that a lot actually.  What would life be like without me?  Probably a lot better for some people.  Has my life really made any difference to anybody?  Most of the time it feels to me like everybody would be better off without me.  It's just one of those kind of days.


Jenelle said...

Without you?? Thats lame. Think how much it meant to your mom to have one of her kids still at home when she was sick, and that each of your kids are the great people they are because of YOU (not to mention are even in existence because of you;) and that Lincoln is married to one of the most talented, determined, hard-working women I have ever known!

Coleen said...

I am not going to tell you that you are NUTS, but you better not really believe this. You have more talent in one finger than I do in my entire body. You taught yourself so many things when Mom was sick. You are a loving, caring person and loved by your neices and nephews and sisters and brother and great neices and nephews. That feeling of not thinking your life has made a difference is totally the adversary! Lean on me, listen to music, keep a journal or a blog that is just for YOU to read and reflect upon. I love you!