Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This is just a quick update. Cody had an awesome time at Disneyland. I'll have him post some of his pictures. Anita and Cody did very well in their theater workshop this month. They both were teacher's assistants and had a great time. The teacher appreciated them so much that we only had to pay one fee for the workshop. Also, Cody didn't try out for the Shakespeare team, but the teacher put him on it because he impressed her so much! He and Anita are natural actors. They are both really excited for the competition which will be in October in Cedar City.

Anita is now at her second camp of the year. She went to Oakcrest two weeks ago. It's an LDS girls' camp for 7th and 8th graders. Now she is with our Palangi (English) ward at their rough camp. In two weeks she will go with our stake to their rough camp. After that I think she'll be home the rest of the summer, thank goodness! She was gone every weekday from 9:00am-3:30pm for 2 weeks this month and Oakcrest was a week long camp. I've missed her!

We are getting ready to go to our ward campout tonight. We're hoping to leave about 6:00pm. Lincoln is working today and I'm babysitting and giving two piano lessons before we go. I'm hoping to get at least one blanket finished with all my free time at the camp! We'll be back Saturday.

Not much else happening with us. I just try to keep up with the kids and the house and that keeps me pretty busy. Well, gotta go get ready for my morning walk.

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