Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Summer is Almost Over!

I can't believe the summer is almost over! Only three more weeks and the kids will be back in school. I know no one but me reads this blog, but I'm just posting for my own benefit!

Football has started. We have been going since last week. Daily practices from 5:30-7:30. It gets a little crazy. Pasi found out Monday that he made the A team! A big accomplishment and we are very proud of him. He also made the A team last year, but this year the competition was a lot more tough. Being on the A team is significant for me because Faha and Pasi's games will all be at the same place and will start at the same time every Saturday. Pasi's will probably start at 9:00am and Faha's at 12:00pm. Having kids on the B team means that games are all over the place and at different times. Games start on August 29th.

Siu finally passed Level 4 swimming!!! She has probably taken that level about 10 times. It's been a tough one for her, but she finally did it! We are so proud of her!

We had a good family vacation to New Mexico to visit my family and have Siu's baptism there. I will post more about that in a separate post (with pictures!).

Monday was free admission to the Utah Museum of Natural History so we took advantage of that opportunity. The kids had a great time and really enjoyed the frog exhibit.

I started with two new daycare kids last week and things are going well with that. It is a little hectic keeping up with 7 daycare kids plus my 5 kids, but so far I'm surviving. I am having a hard time finding things to do to keep them all occupied and fed. I tried having more structure today and they didn't like it very much! We had breakfast, went for a walk, came home and the daycare kids colored and did workbooks while I helped Pasi and Siu clean their extremely messy rooms. Then they played outside, we had lunch, storytime, nap and now they are running through the sprinklers. They should all be picked up in about half an hour! Then I fall into a heap of exhaustion! Yesterday was worse because I had 11 piano lessons in the afternoon/evening.

I just wanted to do a quick post (even though I know no one reads this because hardly anyone EVER comments on my posts!!!) so I better go now and get the kids ready to be picked up.


Stacy said...

You're right, summer is winding down. My son Quaden,just started football practice this week too. They practice from 5:30 to 8:00 also. Which seems like a rough practice for 13 year olds. How old are your sons?
I'm glad to hear that you had a good visit to New Mexico. We were there in June. It's always nice to go there and see everyone. I hadn't been there for over 2 years.:(
Did your husband find a new job? Ever since I read your post about him loosing hid job I find myself wondering if he found one. I know what it is like to have your husband jobless. Jason lost his job a couple of years ago and it was a rough time for us.
It's great to hear about your family and visit your blog.

theuhis said...

Thanks Stacy! Someone does read this! My boys are Cody,15, Faha,13, and Pasi,10. Cody plays high school football and they practice from 7:00am-around 9. Faha practices from 5:30pm-7:30, but Pasi's team has been practicing from 5:30-8 too. I think it's a little too long for 10 year olds, especially when it's sooo hot!

Yeah, we had fun in Ramah. I was surprised at how many people were there for the Pioneer Day activities. They had booths along the street west of the church and all along the street in front of your great grandma Nancy's old house. I talked to Misty for quite awhile and saw her kids. They are cute. Her mom looks just the same as she always did, she hasn't aged at all.

No, my husband still hasn't found a job. It's getting pretty scary. It will be two months next week and I'm not sure what we are going to do if he doesn't get a job soon. I am pretty much doing all I can right now, but there is no way what I make alone can support us. How long was Jason out of a job? People in our ward keep telling me about all these people they know who lost their jobs and didn't find new ones for months or even years! I don't really want to think about that!

Your blog is really cute. I enjoyed seeing all your pictures. Your kids are so cute. The girls look so much like you. Thanks for commenting! It was really good to hear from you!

Coleen said...

Great job updating. I love your background.

Jenelle said...

Thanks for the picture text of Siu today! When is she going to get her ears pierced? I was 10 when I went to get mine done, and now I only wear earings for special occaisions anyway. I think we should make it up there to watch some of the boys' footbal games this fall.